Dept. III Spring Colloquium 2024

Disaster in the East Asian History of Science

13:30 - 15:00 Uhr
MPIWG, Harnackstraße 5, 14195 Berlin, Germany

The Department III Colloquia are regular meetings for the department members to discuss our work in progress, to comment, and to help each other in our writing process. The format is a discussion of a pre-circulated paper, led by an introductory comment by an external discussant. 

Attendance is mandatory for Department III members. We additionally have room for ten guests and welcome those who wish to join us from other Departments and Research Groups. 

Please register in advance by emailing EVENT_DEPT3@MPIWG-BERLIN.MPG.DE with subject heading "RSVP Dept III Colloquium" and the date of the colloquium you wish to attend.

Discussant: Lim Jongtae (Seoul National University)

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