Premodern Conversation Series

Premodern Conversations

14:30 - 17:00 Uhr
Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Villa, Harnackstraße 5, 14195 Berlin, Seminarraum
Veranstaltet von
Maria Avxentevskaya, Katja Krause (beide MPIWG)
Vortragende Person(en)
John Sabapathy (UCL), Jose Higuera Rubio (“From Data to Wisdom” Project, University of Porto)

We are pleased to welcome John Sabapathy (UCL), who will present his paper entitled “Between Prophecy and Bureaucracy: Enchantment and disenchantment in forms of thirteenth-century expertise”, and it will be our great pleasure to welcome Jose Higuera Rubio (“From Data to Wisdom” Project, University of Porto), with the presentation entitled “The evolution of relational tree-diagrams from 12th to 14th centuries: Visual devices and models of knowledge”.