Vielfalt schafft Wissenschaft – Wissenschaft schafft Vielfalt. Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen im Blick der Gender- und Diversityforschung in MINT"

“To Weak Discouraged Men”: Gender and Radium in the Early 20th Century US

16:00 - 18:00
FU Berlin, Lecture Hall B, Arnimallee 22 / Livestream
Lecturing Person
Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi (FAU Erlangen)

Maria Retentzi is a science historian and holds the Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies at FAU Erlangen

Afterwards, at 6:30, there will be the opportunity to talk to Maria Rentetzi in a more informal setting at the Luise Dahlem. If you want to join us, please register by Wednesday at Click here for the complete programme of the lecture series "Diversity creates science - science creates diversity": The programme booklet for all lecture series of the Open Lecture Hall can be found here (sorry for being in German):


Lecture Hall B, Arnimallee 22, and via livestream: