J. Cale Johnson


WiSe 2024/25Divination in the Ancient World( VL )
WiSe 2024/25Agriculture in Ancient China and Mesopotamia: Theories and Practices( SE )
WiSe 2024/25Mythology from the Sumerians to the Presocratics II( SE )
WiSe 2024/25Fields, Food and Festivals( SE )
WiSe 2024/25Knowledge and its Resources: Concepts, Methods, Historiographies ( SE )

Past Events:

WiSe 2021/22Divination in the Ancient World(SE)
WiSe 2021/22Reading Mesopotamian Divinatory Texts(LK)
SoSe 2021Medicine in the Ancient World(VL)
SoSe 2021Reading Babylonian Medicine(SE)
WiSe 2020/21Wissensgeschichte: Notation und Bewusstsein(VL)
WiSe 2020/21Mythos von den Sumerern bis zu den Vorsokratikern(VL)
WiSe 2020/21Mythos von den Sumerern bis zu den Vorsokratikern(SE)
WiSe 2020/21Verwaltungs- und Rechtsgattungen im 1. Jt. der Sklaverei(SE)
WiSe 2020/21Perspectives on the Inner Body in the Ancient Near East (SE)
WiSe 12/13Mutatis mutandis: Comparative frameworks for modeling cuneiform technical and scientific literature(DS)
SoSe 2024Ancient Medicine in Translation(LK)
SoSe 2024Mythology from the Sumerians to the Presocratics I(SE)
SoSe 2022Medicine in the Ancient World(SE)
SoSe 2022Reading Babylonian Medicine(LK)
WiSe 2022/23Notation, Writing Systems, and Metapragmatic Awareness(SE)
WiSe 2022/23Agriculture, Slavery and the State in the Ancient World(SE)
WiSe 2022/23Knowledge and its Resources: Concepts, Methods, Historiographies(SE)
SoSe 2024Medicine in the Ancient World(SE)