Forschungskolloquium zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Medical Sources and Urban Space in Late Antique Eastern Mediterranean

16:15 - 17:45
Friedrich Steinle
Lecturing Person
Iuliana Soficaru (Central European University, Vienna/Budapest / TU Berlin)

Urban or public health, ranging from an awareness of health risks to preventive measures, can be apprehended in various ways through time and space, and definitions of health and health risk rely on the morphology of the community under scrutiny. The late antique Eastern Mediterranean urban network fostered a cacophony of medical traditions which led to a very complex medical landscape. I will analyze the role played by medical written sources, previously ignored, in shaping the medical landscape. A thorough analysis of late antique medical sources will shed light on the connection between medical practice and space, where space has a threefold meaning: urban space medically defined in the treatises, urban space as a medical marketplace where different medical practitioners and traditions competed for audience, and symbolic space, medical literary space to be contained and condensed by physicians in order to refine and transmit past medical knowledge.


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