Thursdays, 2-3:30pm (s.t.) / Online: Zoom-ID: 690 9315 8646 // Password: 601147
This interdisciplinary lecture series looks at the history of knowledge, its resources, and the multiple reciprocities between them. Resources—from raw materials, artifacts, material objects, and instruments, to human skills, ideas, and practices, to personal networks and large-scale technological infrastructures—have a substantial impact upon the creation, maintenance, and advancement of knowledge. Knowledge, in turn, is necessary for defining and unlocking such resources, while being, in and of itself, one of the key resources of human culture. The lectures will focus on disentangling the historical-political relationships between knowledge and its resources, from a long-term perspective that appreciates and is expressly sensitive to local and global specificities.
This program contributes to a new collaboration within the framework of the Berlin Center for the History of Knowledge. In view of the forthcoming International Max Planck Research School "Knowledge and Its Resources" (starting in September 2022), the series provides an overview on international perspectives and opens up new avenues of research on this theme. Addressing students interested in the history of knowledge, it will be held in English and German.
Please find further information and the detailed program.