Header image: Erste Promotion einer Frau (Elsa Neumann, 1872–1902) an der Universität Berlin 1899. Engraving of drawing by Ewald Thiel.
Winter Semester 2024/25
The course list (in German) lists current lectures and courses relating to the history of science and the history of knowledge at the FU, HU, and TU that provide students with the relevant methodological training in the history of science (Last update: October 1, 2024).
The course list is also available as a PDF. For further comments and emendations, please contact: Constantin Böhm (cboehm@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de).
For up-to-date information and changes, as well as registration details, please refer to the respective university’s own listings (information in the current KVV is given without guarantee).
If you wish to hand in a proposal for the next semester, please send an e-mail to the responsible compiler for your institution.