
Berlin – Sudan: The history of Berlin-based research on Northeast Africa. Change, continuity and scientific ‘Zeitgeist’ from the Kingdom of Prussia until the end of the GDR

14:00 - 18:30
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, Main Building, Room 2091/92 (West Wing)
Cornelia Kleinitz, Thomas Gertzen, Alexandra
Verbovsek, Frank Kammerzell

Today, various institutional archives at Humboldt-Universität, the BBAW, the German Archaeological Institute and elsewhere, some of which have only recently started to become accessible, document the work of the Prussian and GDR-researchers in Sudan between political and scientific ideals and realities. The Berlin-based research tradition in Sudan and the changes of scientific ‘Zeitgeist’, due to the upheavals of German and international history until the end of the GDR, are the subject of the conference.

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